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Client Plugins


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Plugins can be used to extend the Blitz toolkit with custom functionality and are defined using the createClientPlugin function from the blitz package.

The plugin can then be used to return the following:

  • The events object contains the event hooks that the plugin could listen to.

    • Blitz generates global Event Listeners for each event which is used to trigger the hooks.
    • The plugin can then perform any actions it needs when the event is triggered.
    • The code defined by each plugin event is executed in parallel.
  • The middleware object contains the middleware hooks that the plugin could define.

    • The plugin can then perform any actions it needs when the middleware is called.
    • The code defined by each plugin middleware is executed in series through pipes, so the output of one middleware is passed as the input to the next middleware.
    • The order in which the middleware is executed is defined by the order in which the plugins are defined in the src/blitz-client file.
  • The withProvider function is used to wrap the root component of the app through the Blitz wrapper withBlitz.

  • The exports object is used to export any functions or variables that the plugin needs to expose to the application through importing from the src/blitz-client file.

API Reference

  • createClientPlugin - (options: TPluginOptions) => ClientPlugin<TPluginExports>

    • events

      • onSessionCreated - () => Promise<void>
        • Called when a new session is created.
      • onRpcError - (error: Error) => Promise<void>
        • Called when an RPC error occurs.
    • middleware

      • beforeHttpRequest - (request: RequestInit) => RequestInit
        • Called before the RPC request is made, allowing the plugin to modify the request parameters.
      • beforeHttpResponse - (response: Response) => Response
        • Called before the RPC response is returned, allowing the plugin to modify the response.
    • withProvider - (component: ComponentType<TProps>) => {(props: TProps): JSX.Element displayName: string}

    • exports - TPluginExports extends object

Middleware and Events Hooks used by Blitz

  • Events
    • onSessionCreated is used by Blitz RPC to reset the React Query client when a new session is created by Blitz Auth
    • onRpcError is used by Blitz RPC to handle errors during the response phase
  • Middleware
    • beforeHttpRequest is used by Blitz Auth to add required authentication headers to the request before its sent by Blitz RPC
    • beforeHttpResponse is used by Blitz Auth to handle auth related logic before the response is returned by Blitz RPC

Creating a Client Plugin

To create a client plugin, create a new file, for example src/custom-plugin/plugin.tsx, and add the following code:

// src/custom-plugin/plugin.tsx
import { createClientPlugin } from "blitz"
import { BlitzPage } from "@blitzjs/next"
import { ComponentProps, ComponentType } from "react"

type CustomPluginOptions = {
  // ... type definitions for options

function withCustomProvider<TProps = any>(
  Page: ComponentType<TProps> | BlitzPage<TProps>
) {
  const CustomProviderRoot = (props: ComponentProps<any>) => {
    // ... custom root component
    return <Page {...props} />
  for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(Page)) {
    CustomProviderRoot[key] = value
  if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
    CustomProviderRoot.displayName = `CustomProviderRoot`
  return CustomProviderRoot

export const BlitzCustomPlugin = createClientPlugin<
>((options?: CustomPluginOptions) => {
  // ... plugin code
  return {
    events: {
      onSessionCreated: async () => {
        // Called when a new session is created
        // Usually when the user logs in or logs out
      onRpcError: async (error) => {
        // Called when an RPC call fails
    middleware: {
      beforeHttpRequest: (req) => {
        //make changes to the request options before RPC call
        return req
      beforeHttpResponse: (res) => {
        //make changes to the response before returning to the caller
        return res
    exports: () => ({
      // ... plugin exports
    withProvider: withCustomProvider,

Using a Client Plugin

To initialise the created client plugin, you could import it in the src/blitz-client and add it to the plugins array as shown below:

// src/blitz-client.ts
import { AuthClientPlugin } from "@blitzjs/auth"
import { setupBlitzClient } from "@blitzjs/next"
import { BlitzRpcPlugin } from "@blitzjs/rpc"
import { BlitzCustomPlugin } from "./custom-plugin/plugin"

export const { withBlitz } = setupBlitzClient({
  plugins: [
    BlitzCustomPlugin({}), // <-- add your plugin here


The following example shows how to create a plugin that adds a custom header to your RPC requests

export const BlitzCustomPlugin = createClientPlugin<
>((options?: CustomPluginOptions) => {
  // ... plugin code
  return {
    middleware: {
      beforeHttpRequest: (req) => {
        req.headers = {
          "X-Custom-Header": "Custom Header Value",
        return req
    exports: () => ({
      // ... plugin exports

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